Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
Depression and how TMS Treatment Works to Treat it!
Oral antidepressants in combination with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) are recognized as best practice first line treatments for depression. These treatments are based on theories that neurochemical and cognitive thinking patterns play a role in the development of depression. However, for many individuals antidepressants don’t work and may have intolerable side effects. For some individuals talk therapy alone is not sufficient for recovery. For these patients TMS should be the next treatment option. TMS is a Health Canada approved therapeutic modality indicated in the treatment of clinical depression. TMS is approved for individuals who previously failed on oral antidepressant therapy. This article provides an overview of depression, the history of TMS and how it can work to treat depression.
What is Depression?
What depression Isn’t!
Humans are complex beings. It is considered normal to experience a range of emotions
from extreme joy and elation to feeling sad, dejected and filled with grief. We react to
our environments and stressors through feeling and exhibiting emotions and physical
responses. Feeling sad and blue at times is considered normal and not a cause for
What depression Is!
Depression however involves much more than feeling sad or blue. Depression is a serious illness that affects your feelings, thinking, and functioning. To be considered a depressive episode your symptoms must be present for longer than 2 weeks. Symptoms vary between individuals but may include some or all of the following:
- Inability to enjoy or experience pleasure
- Low energy or motivation
- Over eating or under eating
- Difficulty sleeping or over sleeping
- Feelings of sadness all the time
- Thinking or believing you would be better off dead and even contemplating ways to take your life
- Trouble making decisions or thinking
- Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt
The Cause of Depression
Years of research has demonstrated that more than one cause exists for the development of depression including; too much or too little brain chemicals, genetic vulnerability, a stressful life trigger and brain mood dysregulation. As you can see the cause of depression is complex and varies between individuals. This is why it isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ treatment approach!
The History of TMS
Magnetic stimulation to treat diseases dates back to greater than 100 years. Its use however was not necessarily supported by scientific research. In 1881 Micahel Faraday first created a magnetic field running electricity through a coil. In 1985 Barker and colleagues introduced Modern TMS with this same understanding of magnetic fields. A vast amount of time, money and energy has been devoted to researching TMS and its treatment potential. Research outside of depression is ongoing to include addictions, anxiety and mild cognitive impairment to name a few.
How TMS Works for Depression
TMS alters brain signals by the application of a magnetic field through an individual’s skull (transcranial). These brief magnetic pulses lead to favorable changes in the brain that wake up the neurons or brain cells and activate the brain lifting the symptoms of depression. Beyond this very basic explanation it still remains somewhat a mystery as to how exactly TMS works to treat depression. The bottom line? Recovering from depression requires you to be actively involved and aware of treatment options for depression. TMS is an effective Health Canada approved non-invasive medical treatment available in Brampton Ontario. Years of research support the efficacy of TMS in treating depression. Call our intake coordinators today and explore how Feel Light TMS can benefit you!