Lifestyle Choices in Recovery Part two
What are You Listening to?
Music and Your Mood
Therapy interventions using music tap into the power of tunes and sound waves. These penetrate the mind to aid a sense of peacefulness. Both listening to and creating music aid a sense of wellness. Brain scans have shown that by listening to or creating music one increases blood circulation to the areas of the brain that control emotions. This region of the brain is known as the limbic system and is involved in processing emotions and controlling memory and is stimulated with music.
Music as a form of sound wave is measured in hertz (Hz). Music heard by the human ear affects the brain depending on the frequency or Hz. For example 96, 432, 528, 639, 852 Hz, have been shown to contribute to reducing tension and anxiety. Hence the importance of making sound music choices to optimize your mental health!

Bad news can cause unwanted stress and lead to mental and physical health conditions. It’s important to set boundaries on the news and sources you engage in. Changing news to positive information channels improves unwanted feelings experienced from consuming too much bad news. Some people try a news holiday and remove all forms of bad news whether via social media platforms, paper or television and radio. You can find some news networks that focus on providing only good news that occurs throughout the world.
Here are some resources and books focusing on what you listen to and the effects on your mental health and wellbeing.
- Calm: A sleep, meditation and relaxation app available at
- Headspace: Guided meditation and sleep app
- Good News Network: Identifies itself as “an antidote to the barrage of negativity experienced … in the media”.
- Healing at the Speed of Sound: How What We Hear Transforms Our Brains and Our Lives. Authors Alex Doman and Don Campbell.
- The Healing Power of Sound: Recovery from Life-Threatening Illness Using Sound, Voice, and Music. Author Mitchell L. Gaynor M.D.
- Social Media And its terrifyingly Negative Effects on People with Depression and Anxiety. Author Victor Scott.
The takeaway message?!
What we listen to matters. The frequency and content of language and music affect our mental status and recovery. If you or someone you know would benefit from TMS contact us today. At Feel Light rTMS we provide Health Canada approved evidence based treatment for depression. We support you along your recovery journey to ensure you are engaged in additional measures to optimize your mental health and wellness. Call us today!
Disclaimer: The above information is not intended as medical advice. Please contact your primary care provider, emergency or local crisis line for medical assistance. We do not necessarily endorse the contents of any or all books listed. These are suggested for educational purposes to read at your discretion with no warranty on content validity by us.