How to Obtain a Sunny Disposition

The Dark Side of the Sun

Information abounds regarding the negative effects of sun exposure. Concerns of excessive sun
exposure are real. Complications include the immediate burning of skin and the later
accumulation of excessive exposure contributing to sun damage. Sun damage can present with
the appearance of leathery wrinkled skin or worse, skin cancer. Precautions are necessary to
reduce your risk for negative effects from sun damage. Use of safe sunscreen, donning sun
protective clothing and limiting your time out in the sun at its strongest point of the day are some
safety measures to employ.

Limited sun exposure however can negatively impact your mood. For some individuals in the
northern hemisphere, reduced sun exposure in winter contributes to a low mood referred to as
SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder.
With summer around the corner we thought it fitting to explore the sun’s attributes that can
positively impact mental health and mood.


The Sunny Side of the Sun

It’s not all bad news when it comes to the sun. Many organisms thrive in the sun. Flowers and
vegetables often require at least 8 hours of sun per day to grow. Similarly safe exposure to the
sun for humans has shown to provide many positive attributes on health including improved
mood. Below we provide 3 positive effects the sun contributes to your mental health.

1. Vitamin D: Vitamin D is obtained through exposure of your skin to the sun. Not only is
Vitamin D responsible for bone health, but it also plays a role in mental health. A lack of
sun exposure can reduce the amount of serotonin and contribute to lowering your mood.
Expose your skin to 5-15 minutes of sunlight a few times a week to see improvement in
your mood. Use a safe sunscreen if exposed to the sun longer than 15 minutes.

2. Increased Serotonin: Serotonin is one of the neurotransmitters responsible for a
happy, ‘sunny’ disposition. Many antidepressant medications work by enhancing serotonin in

your brain. Sun exposure also enhances your serotonin levels by triggering your brain to
release it. Serotonin levels are reported to be highest in the summer. If you are feeling
down and in a low mood get out and soak up some sunshine to experience a natural

3. Enhanced Sleep: Exposure to sunlight enhances sleep. The sun helps with sleep
by stimulating the release of a hormone melatonin. Melatonin plays a role in regulating
your body’s internal clock and inducing sleepiness at night. Sleep is restorative to the
body and mind allowing you to cope with life throughout the day or waking hours. It is
suggested you obtain bright sunlight exposure prior to noon each day to benefit from the
sleep enhancing properties of the sun.

When the Sun is Not Enough

For some individuals medication and lifestyle changes such as sun exposure are simply not
enough to help with depression. At Feel Light rTMS we are experts in providing groundbreaking
innovative treatments for depression. If you or a loved one is suffering from depression, call us
today and learn how our Health Canada approved non pharmacological treatment rTMS can
help with depression.